About the artist and about her sculptures,paintings,photographs and poems

About Nili Tochner

for prints on demand please use the link to my Fine Art America account



Contact  : nilitsart@gmail.com

It was in my blood, incubating, until 1981, when I was still living in my homeland state of Israel.Back then, I was introduced to clay and ecstatically made my first portrait. At that historic moment, it was as if a giant torch had been ignited in me, which has continued burning ever since. I was a practicing psychologist at the time and my art focused mainly on creating figurative sculptures in clay that depicted the endless variety of human expressions. I am still mesmerized by that richness and have never tired of depicting it.

In 1999 I moved to the United States and until 2003 my art remained focused around psychological content. During that period I was influenced by my preferred cubic artists Barlach and Archipenko.

In 2005 I opened myself to abstraction through paintings and photography. I started with painting of sculptures and switched to sculpting paintings. My strong tactile need, in addition to a big attraction to paints and colors, made me an eager explorer of different new materials. This enabled me to integrate painting and sculpting. Coinciding with this change, I moved my focus from human expressions to depicting experiences.

I am now interested in both abstract and representational art, depicting human psychology and the beauty of nature which continually inspire my imagination and creativity. My current art manifests an integration of my psychological self with my visual and tactile self. It is further inspired by the experience of constantly moving back and forth between two countries. This lifestyle has created two different, yet complementing muses, that cultivate my evolving artistic outlook.

Recent last years I am very much into Photography.My photography is mostly about the less-seen abstract beauty of nature.
My goal is to get effects of paintings through photography.
Nature is my main artistic inspiration.I find nature a source of serenity,beauty,awe,strength,resilience.
A walk in nature is for me like a visit to a wonderful huge museum of art.
I admire the forms and compositions of nature.
I admire how it changes each season,wearing different style of beauty.
I admire the twist from blooming to decay,and all stages in between.I find all of them tremendously fascinating.

About my sculptures

My passion for art started with making sculptures.
I sculpted in my free time between therapy sessions ,as a Psychologist in a private practice.
Most of my sculptures depict psychological concepts, emotions, relationships, human interactions etc.
My artworks were initially inspired by my clients.

I like to think of my sculptures as the newborns of my inner word, delivered to the inner world of the observer. They are born from my emotions and my psychological self, and are delivered to the observers, who find in them a connection to themselves.

My art expresses my admiration for the enormous human diversity.I am fascinated by the way a limited number of human facial and body features( nose, eyes ,mouth, hands, legs, etc ) repeat themselves, yet create a human richness in endless combinations of shapes and emotional expressions.

The human soul is extremely complex, yet the human essence is so universal. Human emotions and relationship- styles,unite people beyond the differences of cultures,genes and life experience.This phenomenon fascinates me.

The diverse characters in my sculptures express my desire to reveal both the differences and the universal elements of all humanity

Some of my sculptures are representations of parts of me. Some are conscious and some surprise me when they are born from my unconscious mind through my fingers.

My interest in the wonderful human richness has always accompanied me, in my profession as a psychologist, in my works as a sculptor and on my trips to various exotic places in the world

About my paintings

My paintings are of four styles. Translucent, Textured, Mix media collages and Pouring.
Each album represents one style of the four.
I use Acrylics for Translucent paintings,
I add building materials for the second style, add prints of my photographs for the Mix media and use pouring medium for pouring paintings.

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Fifth album shows my early works.

About my photographs

My photography is mostly about the less-seen abstract beauty of nature.
My goal is to get effects of paintings through photography.
Nature is my main artistic inspiration. I find nature a source of serenity, beauty, awe, strength, resilience.
A walk in nature is for me like a visit to a wonderful huge museum of art.
I admire the forms and compositions of nature.
I admire how it changes each season, wearing different style of beauty.
I admire the twist from blooming to decay, and all stages in between. I find all of them tremendously fascinating.

This collection shows a lot of reflections and silhouettes, it contains abstract images found in: water, plants ,trees, rocks ,sand etc.

Each album has a selection of images, relating to one subject (taken in different places.)

A few albums contain realistic images.

This way or the other, most albums depict mainly images of nature (abstract or semi abstract)

About my Hebrew poems

I wrote poems for many years.They deal mostly with Psychological issues and concepts.In this website is a sample of them

Please click each image to enlarge.

Move from an album back to list, using back sign of your phone or the link at the bottom of the album

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